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FISE - Parkour World Cup


The FISE, the Festival International des Sports Extrêmes (International Festival of Extreme Sports), is back. A key stage in the Parkour World Cup, this event will take place on 10, 11 and 12 May.

The best tracers will be challenging each other in 'speed' and 'freestyle' contests at this major event, putting on a great show for all the fans who have come along.

The Brick brand, which we distribute, will be present for the 3rd consecutive year, but this time it will be equipping the entire competition. A first we're very proud of!

Parkour fans will be able to watch this spectacular competition and see the Brick range up close. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the excitement of Parkour at its highest level and meet the people involved in this fascinating discipline!

A demo stand will also be set up to allow people of all ages to come and try and/or find out more about the different modules.


What is Brick?

Brick is a brand dedicated to the discipline of Parkour. With innovative modules made of wood and metal structures, Brick makes it possible to create infinitely flexible circuits, while recreating the urban landscape using different types of obstacles.

These modules are adjustable and can be clipped together, giving tracers complete autonomy to design their own training area.

See you in May for this World Extreme Sports Event!


A look back at 2023